ANZ Bank Discrimination

The new ANZ Bank in Queen Street has no Disability access for a wheelchair.

The Building Code states: Buildings shall be provided with reasonable and adequate access to enable safe and easy movement of people.
That's fairly simple I would have thought! Based on my experience with council,you have to comply with the rules.

Within the franchise we transport a high percentage of wheelchair clients. What the able bodied think is simple ;can be an issue for a wheelchair user. A ramp into a building is being courteous to the disability

An ANZ spokesman said there was no room for a ramp so the bank put a service desk at street level for customers unable to get up the steps.

The floor plan, elevation and structural elements made disability access a challenge for the architects.

Maybe the ANZ bank has more money than sense. Or the Australian shareholders just don't care about the disability sector.
SHAME on you ANZ bank.

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