Category Archives: Total Mobility Scheme


It's a wet Sunday in Auckland. We have operations all day with multiple vans sharing the workload . At we find that the weekends involve transfers relating to church services ,family gatherings and entertainment .
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HOW DO YOU MOVE OVER-WEIGHT PATIENTS ? operates a vehicle that has a 500KG lifting capacity Hoist. We can transport Over-size patients in wheelchairs or beds for all Medical appointments or Relocations. We provide customised accessible tours and services. This Vehicle is available for North and South Island Touring options. It provides an excellent viewing platform…
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Pink Viagra

Found this on the news......... 'Pink Viagra' on way to pep up women's sex drive A Dutch company called Emotional Brain claims early trials of a new drug, Lybrido, show promise for women in the treatment of loss of sexual desire and that "pink Viagra" could be on the market as early as 2016. But…
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Challenges for Disabled in Christchurch

Christchurch is always in the news but a bigger problem now is the Growing isolation, a lack of suitable accommodation and difficulty for disabled citizens to just get around. Those with physical disabilities face an array of challenges in a post-earthquake Christchurch. The February 2011 quake took away much of the independence they were used…
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