The Business of Accessibility is a Transport Service in the Accessibility Industry in New Zealand. It is a business and charges a range of fares that give a return for the service. Businesses in New Zealand can benefit by catering to aging visitors and welcoming customers with accessibility issues.
Gains have been made to offer a range of services within the community but more needs to be done if we are to comply with our international obligations.

The U.S. Department of Justice believes that compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes good sense.The large market of people with disabilities has $175 billion in discretionary spending according to the U.S. Department of Labor ,$175 billion is more than four times the spending power of tweens 8-14 year-olds, a demographic sought after by businesses (An Open Doors Organization study estimated in 2003 that diners with disabilities spent that year $35 billion in restaurants).More than 75% of people with disabilities eat out at restaurants at least once a week .
The New York Times reported that spending by travelers with disabilities exceeds $13.6 billion annually . Research by the National Captioning Institute found that 66% of viewers of captioned TV are more likely to buy a product that has a captioned commercial, 53% will actively seek out products advertised with captions, and 35% will switch to brands that use captioned ads .
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 600 million people with disabilities around the world .
Examples of the global spending power of people with disabilities:
United Kingdom, The Employers’ Forum on Disability estimated in 2005 that there are 10 million adults with disabillities in the UK and the annual purchasing power of people with disabilities there is £80 billion.
Canada: The Conference Board of Canada reported in 2001 that the total combined annual disposable income of working-aged Canadians with disabilities was CAN $25 billion .AARP says four million Americans turn 50 each year and that people age 50 and older spent $400 billion in 2003 .


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